Okay, this post is for all the writers responsible for Heroes, not just Tim Kring, creator of Heroes, and I guess my first question is: What the hell are you people thinking?? Season one was amazing, a real breath of fresh air for tv shows, season two was way bad, I can understand that the strike could complicate things, but still, the story was the same as season one, travel to the future, the world ends, travel back in time, save the world, in one it was a nuclear blast the other one was a virus, ridiculous.
Currently, season three definitely has more action, less stories, less Maya. But still they made the mistake to remove Peter's powers, who is by far the coolest hero and HAD the best super-power ever. The mysterious Nikky Sanders 3, Mohinder "The Monster" and Father Petrelli are just some excuse to keep the public interested.
Solution: Leave the crappy storyline of saving the world and giving ordinary people synthetic super-powers. The people want the classic cat and mouse game. Hero's vs. Villains. Enough with the conspiracies and plots, what we need are awesome fight scenes with super-powers in the rumble and of course Peter's powers back.
I lay out all the bad aspects from heroes but in the end, I watch the show all the time, there's just something that I can´t get enough, as all the fans. But somethings does need to be perfected.
Currently, season three definitely has more action, less stories, less Maya. But still they made the mistake to remove Peter's powers, who is by far the coolest hero and HAD the best super-power ever. The mysterious Nikky Sanders 3, Mohinder "The Monster" and Father Petrelli are just some excuse to keep the public interested.
Solution: Leave the crappy storyline of saving the world and giving ordinary people synthetic super-powers. The people want the classic cat and mouse game. Hero's vs. Villains. Enough with the conspiracies and plots, what we need are awesome fight scenes with super-powers in the rumble and of course Peter's powers back.
I lay out all the bad aspects from heroes but in the end, I watch the show all the time, there's just something that I can´t get enough, as all the fans. But somethings does need to be perfected.
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