With the success of "The Dark Knight", Christopher Nolan has become one of the most respected directors in the world. But his talent didn't just fall from heaven, his talented work has began with one short movie called "Doodlebug" and directorial debut of a feature length film was "Following". It tells the story of a young writer who follows stranger for material when a thief tekes him under his wing.
His next film would earn him as Oscar nomination for "Best writing, screenplay written directly for the screen" and of course international stardom as a talented director. "Memento" is his great masterpiece, winning important awards being nicknamed the best film of 2000. his next film "Insomnia" could be considered the "less good" from his career, but the movie stands for itself, showing us a more serious side of Robin Williams and a great performance by Al Pacino.
The fourth Nolan movie was "Batman Begins". The movie would be the first comic based movie that was actually believable and based on reality and not fantasy, witch contributed to the success of the movie and its sequel, but we'll get to that later. For the second time a Nolan-directed movie would become the best film of the year, this time it was 2005.
In 2006, the magic picture, "The Prestige" would make its way into the theaters. At this time, great story telling, amazing soundtracks and fantastic acting performances are a trademark brought to you by Christopher Nolan.
His latest film, "The Dark Knight" is the second highest earning movie in history. All the Nolan trademarks are there, and combined with exceptional performances from Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart, it truly deserves all the compliments it could get.
Chris Nolan is, in my honest opinion, the most talented and visionary director today. His vision and capacity for storytelling make him a remarkable director.
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